Missouri Photo Workshop Resources
A Great Story is…Compelling Characters, Overcoming Obstacles, To Achieve a Worthy Outcome.
71st Missouri Photo Workshop in Boonville Sept. 22-29, 2019.
73rd Missouri Photo Workshop Sept. 19-25, 2021 Virtual
Lecture Notes: Telling Stories Visually
An edited PDF copy of my 2019 lecture is here. Some images do not appear.
A copy of my 2021 lecture is here.
A summary of Roy Peter Clark’s writing tools mentioned in the lecture is here.
My National Geographic Blog Posts on Missouri Photo Workshop 65
These were written during and shortly after the 2013 workshop in Trenton.
Camera Truth: The Missouri Photo Workshop at 65 addresses the workshop’s origins,
Stories From Rural America: Pictures Making Sense delves into stories revealed from small town America.
The Gift of Time in Photography speaks to the rewards that unfold when you invest time in the people you meet and photograph.
Lewis Bush on Photographic Story and Narrative
British scholar Lewis Bush has written on storytelling by photographers at World Press Photo’s Witness blog. In Photographic Storytelling: A Poverty of Theory he addresses the difference between story and narrative. In Photographic Narrative: Between Cinema and Novel, Bush probes the strengths and weaknesses of photographs as a narrative tool.
Photojournalism at 100
In another Witness posting, Bush examines the state of journalistic photography in Photojournalism’s First Century: Can it Survive Another? Frequent MPW faculty member Jim Richardson and I carry forward Bush’s discussion at Eyes On Earth with Photojournalism at 100: Mature or Just Old?
Eyes on Earth and Environmental Photography
Jim Richardson and I have created an educational project called Eyes On Earth that focuses on photography as a way to document environmental change. Our goal is to create a new generation of photographers informed about the causes of environmental change.
We presented our ideas on environmental photography and storytelling at the 2018 Planet Forward Conference.
Climate Visuals highlighted our work in Building a Generation of Climate-Literate Photographers. The Society of Environmental Journalists addressed my work to make visuals a lead actor in journalistic storytelling.
I wrote at American Photographer’s Pro Photo Daily about insights revealed when looking at the world from above, and discussed photographing in the Anthropocene as part of a science festival symposium at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in October 2018.